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Thrive 35 was set up and created with one goal in mind. To help people like you reach their full potential in being healthier and fitter - whatever your age!

It's no secret that striving to achieve a healthier lifestyle has numerous benefits. Physical fitness and nutrition goes hand in hand with mental well-being, longevity of life, and being able to enjoy day to day activities fully.

Whether a seasoned gym goer or just starting out for the first time, I will produce for you a nutrition and exercise programme tailored to your individual needs.

Everyone will have a different starting point and my approach is a holistic one, recognising that one size does not fit all. Whether that be working towards a personal best 10K or deadlift, or wanting to be able to play with your kids without becoming worn out in five minutes!

A qualified trainer with additional accredited qualifications in training women going through menopause.

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